Course Description

Welcome to the brand new e-book based on the popular Phantom Filmschool series of online courses. 

A lot of students have asked me for a book or cheat-sheet as a convenient way to remind them of the killer shots taught in the courses. 

So I decided to create this e-book. And instead of basing it only on a single course I decided to take it all the way and teach all 25 killer shots taught in Phantom Filmschools 1,2 & 3. 

This book takes hours and hours of course material and distills it into a user-friendly format with:

- a description of the killer shot

- a video demo of the shot

- key settings

- the methodology, and 

- screenshots with notes and annotations

In addition to this, the book also covers alternative methods for several shots and also deals with popular items such a the batch waypoint tool to fly relative to the ground.

If you enjoyed Phantom Filmschool then you are going to love this handbook. 

Here is a list of the shots taught:

- Useful settings and tips

- Killer shot 1: The Flyby

- Alternative method for The Flyby using Tapfly

- Killer shot 2: The POI Flyby

- Killer shot 3: The Advanced POI Flyby

- Batch edit  tool and Relative to Ground      (RTG)

- Killer shot 4: The Orbit

- Killer shot 5: The Forward Reveal

- Killer shot 6: The Backward Reveal

- Alternative method for the Backward  Reveal using Focus mode

- Killer shot 7: The Corkscrew

- Alternative method to the Corkscrew  with Active Track

- Killer shot 8: Course Lock

- Killer shot 9: The Rise

- Killer shot 10: The Lookdown twist

- Killer shot 11: The Rise and Pan

- Killer shot 12: The Rise and Reveal

- Killer shot 13: The Lookdown Approach

- Killer shot 14: The Pan

- Killer shot 15: The Selfie

- Killer shot 16: The Up and Over

- Killer shot 17: The Pullback shot

- Killer shot 18: The Lookdown Flyby  method 1 with Litchi

- Alternative method for the Lookdown  Flyby with Litchi Tapfly (Mavic, P4 and I2  only)

- Killer shot 19: The Opener with Tapfly

- Killer shot 20: The Railcam

- Killer shot 21: The Sports Railcan

- Killer shot 22: The Train Railcam

-Killer shot 23:  Focus mode

- Killer shot 24: Follow mode (Android only) & Follow mode with Magic leash

- Killer shot 25: Motion Aerial Timelapse

Senior instructor on aerial videography and photography

Laurence Seberini

I am like you, passionate about drones and the awesome videos and photo's that you can take with them. And like you I also got frustrated with using a single remote controller and not being able to get the shots like the pro's. Then I discovered Litchi and once I figured out how to get pro shots easily I created Phantom Filmschool and shared this knowledge. To date there are over 30 000 students worldwide who have taken the various Phantom Filmschool courses and the feedback has been very positive. I hope you get the most out of it.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    The Killer shots handbook

    • Introduction

    • Killer Shots Handbook (V4)

    • Killer Shots Handbook mini version (A6 format)
